Course Feedback Form
Today was the day I thought most of us had been waiting for.
Because today was the day we were going to assess one of our least favorite profs, or atleast my least favorite. The prof. who caused us so much misery. Yes, today, were we going to fill this prof's Teacher-Feedback-Form. And I had already made plans to give her the least grades possible, exactly what she deserved. Little did I know that my classmates had no such intention.
I got up early today, knowing that it was an important day. Not that it made any difference as I went late to the class anyway and had to sit in the front row. And there she was, going on about some stupid code-checking rubbish. Now, it may not be rubbish, but the way she was explaining the thing made it sound worse than anything I had learnt before, from whatever I can recall.
It was a normal C-slot class. We were doing what we always do. We were busy taking down notes quietly in the class, making no effort to understand anything, finally having realized that it won't work. The prof. speaks faster than anyone I have ever heard, and makes full attempt to keep us from understanding anything. Knowing that we can't understand what she teaches, she continues to blabber something about I-never-know-what and we continue to stare at her till the end of the class. It almost seems like she doesn't want us to learn. In her class, I always carry the look of a person who's not able to understand anything, to make her realize that I am not. Asking questions is of no use either. She'll never answer your question in a straight way. She'll always find out a way of dodging the question and at the same time, have you convinced that you have understood even though you wouldn't have. Though a few people in the class try bugging her till they get an answer, they always end up confused by the end of the class.
Its not that she doesn't know her stuff. I am sure she knows it very well and she must be one of the best in her subject in the whole country. But the thing is, she has turned this course into a self study course. Hardly anyone understands what she teaches in the class (or atleast I feel so) and the only way to pass the course is to study at home. So that's what we do. We study on our own, write those not-so-nice quizzes of hers and get some marks. Now, it so happens that according to her, our marks are way too low and with a hint of sarcasm she as good as says that we are just a bunch of dunderheads who are not able to understand even the basic concepts. This angers most of us, or atleast me, but we just sit quiet and wait for our time.
And today, we were given the chance to assess her. I had obviously planned what to fill in the feedback form, the truth. I knew I would be giving her an average of 3.5 or even lesser. I was quiet sure that my classmates will be doing the same. I was waiting desperately for the class to end, but it seemed very slow today. And if that was not enough, she added to my impatience by extending the class by 10 minutes. Finally, as she left, she gave the feedback forms to the class representative, who was sitting next to me. I took one, and I filled it up quite fast. I think I gave her an average of 4.5. I thought it would be quite good for her usual standards. Something like a treat.. But then, as the class rep. started recieving the assessment sheet from different directions, I caught a glimpse of a two or three and it gave me a shock. I took the forms and started going through them (not literally). There were forms with an average of over 8.5. Not one or two, but more than 3-4ths of them. And then I wondered: How can these people, most of whom I was sure disliked the prof, grade the prof so leniently? There surely wasn't anything wrong with my judgement. I expected everyone to grade the way I did. But I was wrong somewhere. What is wrong with these people? Do they grade this way to please the prof? Or do they expect some kind of treat in return for this favour? That won't count in the case of the prof concerned. She would grade us peacefully only because we graded her that way no sooner than Bako would give up. Or is it that they are just scared of the prof? Or according to my editor Der Bus, they just don't feel like grading a prof badly, however bad he/she might be?
Whatever the reason might be, what happened in the class today was very irritating. Though while writing this blog now, I feel that it doesn't matter that much. I shouldn't be making such a big deal out of it. Everyone has their own opinions and how they grade a prof is totally up to them.
Because today was the day we were going to assess one of our least favorite profs, or atleast my least favorite. The prof. who caused us so much misery. Yes, today, were we going to fill this prof's Teacher-Feedback-Form. And I had already made plans to give her the least grades possible, exactly what she deserved. Little did I know that my classmates had no such intention.
I got up early today, knowing that it was an important day. Not that it made any difference as I went late to the class anyway and had to sit in the front row. And there she was, going on about some stupid code-checking rubbish. Now, it may not be rubbish, but the way she was explaining the thing made it sound worse than anything I had learnt before, from whatever I can recall.
It was a normal C-slot class. We were doing what we always do. We were busy taking down notes quietly in the class, making no effort to understand anything, finally having realized that it won't work. The prof. speaks faster than anyone I have ever heard, and makes full attempt to keep us from understanding anything. Knowing that we can't understand what she teaches, she continues to blabber something about I-never-know-what and we continue to stare at her till the end of the class. It almost seems like she doesn't want us to learn. In her class, I always carry the look of a person who's not able to understand anything, to make her realize that I am not. Asking questions is of no use either. She'll never answer your question in a straight way. She'll always find out a way of dodging the question and at the same time, have you convinced that you have understood even though you wouldn't have. Though a few people in the class try bugging her till they get an answer, they always end up confused by the end of the class.
Its not that she doesn't know her stuff. I am sure she knows it very well and she must be one of the best in her subject in the whole country. But the thing is, she has turned this course into a self study course. Hardly anyone understands what she teaches in the class (or atleast I feel so) and the only way to pass the course is to study at home. So that's what we do. We study on our own, write those not-so-nice quizzes of hers and get some marks. Now, it so happens that according to her, our marks are way too low and with a hint of sarcasm she as good as says that we are just a bunch of dunderheads who are not able to understand even the basic concepts. This angers most of us, or atleast me, but we just sit quiet and wait for our time.
And today, we were given the chance to assess her. I had obviously planned what to fill in the feedback form, the truth. I knew I would be giving her an average of 3.5 or even lesser. I was quiet sure that my classmates will be doing the same. I was waiting desperately for the class to end, but it seemed very slow today. And if that was not enough, she added to my impatience by extending the class by 10 minutes. Finally, as she left, she gave the feedback forms to the class representative, who was sitting next to me. I took one, and I filled it up quite fast. I think I gave her an average of 4.5. I thought it would be quite good for her usual standards. Something like a treat.. But then, as the class rep. started recieving the assessment sheet from different directions, I caught a glimpse of a two or three and it gave me a shock. I took the forms and started going through them (not literally). There were forms with an average of over 8.5. Not one or two, but more than 3-4ths of them. And then I wondered: How can these people, most of whom I was sure disliked the prof, grade the prof so leniently? There surely wasn't anything wrong with my judgement. I expected everyone to grade the way I did. But I was wrong somewhere. What is wrong with these people? Do they grade this way to please the prof? Or do they expect some kind of treat in return for this favour? That won't count in the case of the prof concerned. She would grade us peacefully only because we graded her that way no sooner than Bako would give up. Or is it that they are just scared of the prof? Or according to my editor Der Bus, they just don't feel like grading a prof badly, however bad he/she might be?
Whatever the reason might be, what happened in the class today was very irritating. Though while writing this blog now, I feel that it doesn't matter that much. I shouldn't be making such a big deal out of it. Everyone has their own opinions and how they grade a prof is totally up to them.
No matter how you grade the prof, I dont think it is going to affect them in any way at all. That feedback form is just a formality to get ISO certification. As one of my profs put it, "The teacher is all powerful in IIT Madras , Sir". But still it is a way of venting out our anger at the prof in a way she/he doesnt even come to know of it. WE ARE JUST A BUNCH OF COWARDS.
Mahesh.R, at 3:45 AM
Man !! So much of frustration ! Chillllllll !!
Anonymous, at 7:48 AM
the teachers do not know of their grades till the beginning of the new sem. ill tell u why ppl grade such horrible profs peacefully: "let the juniors suffer!" that is the reason and i have had the same xperience only diff being i got rotten teachers in my very first sem...i used to take those forms seriously..but now i jus' fill it up as i like...i draw sine waves if he's average (10-8-6-4-2-0-2-4-6-8-10), straight 10s if he's good, don't fill up if he's bad...
p.s. actually, a prof who gets bad ratings continuously will be 'counselled' by a prof with good ratings! (seriously)
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM
I think profs do get to look at their ratings and see that they are doing poorly. I mean, however thick-skinned a prof might be, a 5/10 on feedback ratings would certinly show that there's something wrong... time ppl started taking this feedback stuff a bit more seriously.
And as RKK was pointing out the other day, we better make the dept understand that there is a problem. Its a pity that most ppl never take this bad teaching thing seriously, after all, we and the govt are paying for the whole thing and its no joke...
Anonymous, at 10:13 AM
Ya, you are right. People expect generosity by being generous. I dont remember what grades I gave her, but I did grade her badly. It always happens in a system. Nothing much we can do about it.
Muralidhar, at 11:31 PM
I take back all the harsh words that I used against this prof. She's a good prof, one of the better ones in the department.
It was just a random moment of frustration when I wrote that blog. But I am sure that's the case with most of my blogs. I write them only when I feel the strength of some emotion within me.
Ashes are gone, they blogged here, at 10:24 PM
you should not take something s seriously ... chillax is the word to live this life.Even in our coaching class, all of us rated the math teacher badly. But we saw no change in the faculty or any improvement in the teaching.
Anonymous, at 4:02 AM
i know maan!
chillax is the word..
but the post is old, and i had exaggerated stuff in it anyway...
Ashes are gone, they blogged here, at 12:54 AM
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